Hey, everybody -
Hope you had a great break and aren't as sick as I am right now!
There's a very cool event happening Friday and with Jean-Paul's permission I've decided to make it a "Field Trip". For the DESN1119C class, this means this event IS your class, so you are expected to be there unless you can't afford it.
For the DESN2022A class, I realize you may have another class at this time. Please let me know so I can contact your teachers to find out what they think. I would definitely like you to be there.
CASO (Computer Animation Studios of Ontario) has invited all of you to to a lunchtime talk:
"Animation 2.0 "The Next Level" with Paul Griffin.
You may not have heard of Paul Griffin, but you've definitely seen his work. His credits include:
Animation Supervisor :
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter video game, cinematic sequences, Benjamin Button, The Mummy, Pan's Labyrinth, King Kong, Fantastic Four, Mr & Mrs Smith
Lead Animator:
Star Wars, Ep I & II - ILM
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - Weta