Tuesday, April 17, 2012

WEEK 15: Animation Direction 2: Final Project In-class show & critique

Last class!!!

Can't wait to see your final assignments!! I'm bringing the popcorn!

Congratulations to all of you who took this huge leap into the wild world of stop motion animation. Like Ray Harryhausen over 50 years ago, you learned through trial and error how to animate frame by frame. More than that -- you are officially directors now! You've successfully learned all the steps of a miniature production pipeline. I hope those skills will help you in your future projects and careers. 

I'll stick around in case you want any last-minute advice to tweak your project before submitting it to the FTP by Friday at midnight.  

Thank you for being such a great class this term. I look forward to working with you next year!
Have a great summer everyone. Good luck with all your deadlines!

WEEK 15: Character Acting 2: Acting scene In-Class Critique

Last class!!! Can't wait to see your final assignments!!
The deadline is Wednesday, April 18th in class, however, I'm sticking around in case you want any last-minute advice to tweak your project before submitting it to the FTP by midnight. I can also help you decipher any of the critiques you got on previous assignments. It's been an absolute pleasure seeing your hard work and dedication pay off with some truly great work this term.
I look forward to working with you in the future.
Please stay in touch.

Have a great summer everyone. Good luck with all your deadlines!

WEEK 15: Modeling and Animation II Assignment 5 In-class show & critique

Last class!!!

Can't wait to see your final assignments!!

The deadline is Wednesday, April 18th in class, however, I'm sticking around in case you want any last-minute advice to tweak your project before submitting it to the FTP by midnight. I can also help you decipher any of the critiques you got on previous assignments and offer some tips for how to make your future projects even more awesome.

Thank you for being such a great class this term. For those staying in the Animation stream - I look forward to working with you over the next couple of years.
For those going into Modeling - see you around the school .. perhaps you'll be in my Texturing class!
Have a great summer everyone. Good luck with all your deadlines!