Tuesday, February 28, 2012

WEEK 8: Happy midterm break! Some inspiration for you

I wanted to post something inspiring for you to think about over the break.

When you do something creative, do you sit back and go, 'Well, doesn't THAT just kick a$$?! I am so incredibly talented!'.  Of course you don't. Well, no one I know does.
This is for everyone who's ever created anything they were less than thrilled with, knowing it was the best they could manage at that time. Wishing they were already better. Doubting they would ever get there, wherever 'there' is. Truth is, 'there' does not exist for most of us because we keep raising that bar just beyond our current skill level. This can lead to discouragement unless we stop once in a while and take stock of our progress.

During your break, I urge you to take a moment to look back to your earliest work. Note that what was once difficult now seems easier. That's progress.

Everything worthwhile is gained only through effort.

This piece sums up this concept so well: 
Ira Glass on Storytelling


Ira Glass is an American public radio personality. This audio is from his interesting series of videos on Storytelling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loxJ3FtCJJA&feature=relmfu 
This video was made by David Shiyang Liu as part of a challenge to create something every day for 30 days. http://30daysofcreativity.com/