Here are the intro videos we'll be using for this class:
"Using the Viewport Canvas" - video #44 in the Intro to 3DS Max series.
Click here to download the material files for this class.
If you want more practice at this you should check out the Digital Tutors lessons:
"Texturing Using the Viewport Canvas in 3DS Max" - a course in 10 lessons.
Autodesk's "Viewport Canvas toolset" is a good brief overview as well.
"Using the Viewport Canvas" - video #44 in the Intro to 3DS Max series.
Click here to download the material files for this class.
If you want more practice at this you should check out the Digital Tutors lessons:
"Texturing Using the Viewport Canvas in 3DS Max" - a course in 10 lessons.
Autodesk's "Viewport Canvas toolset" is a good brief overview as well.
It's time for our last texturing assignment -- your own choice from your city models.
This assignment is worth 40% of your grade so it should be something pretty chunky - I'd recommend you set this up for your portfolio by making it a set piece -- you could group some props with ground and wall planes, maybe a fence with some grass growing up from some cracks, for example.
City models – planning and organizing
"Mood Boards"
Start UV'ing city models to texture next week
"Mood Boards"
Start UV'ing city models to texture next week
Assigned: November 8th
Due: December 13th in class
% of Final Grade: 40%
File sizes should be either 512x512 for smaller props or 1024x1024 for larger ones.
tdonovan_ final_000.max
tdonovan_ final_000.max