
These outlines are to be used as a general guide to the major topics and assignments for this course. Please note that outlines are subject to change.

It's a good idea to become familiar with the rubric (marking standard) and the evaluation system.

Outline links work in Chrome - for FF you may have to download the file.

Students should be familiar with the College Policy on Dispute Resolution which covers students’ rights and responsibilities.


Meeting deadlines is crucial not only to academic success, but will be a guaranteed expectation on professional productions. Assignments are not accepted after the due date except in extreme circumstances. In order to be allowed to submit a late assignment, please contact me in writing in advance of the scheduled deadline to explain the reason why it will be missed. I will consider your request and may grant an extension but may assign a late penalty of 5% per day if appropriate.
Submit the project within the time limits specified.
Failure to comply with the above procedure will result in a grade of zero on the project.


Incidents of stolen work are rare, but unfortunately it must be said that all work submitted under your name must have been produced entirely by you. The first incidence of plagerism will automatically result in an 'F'. The 2nd incident gets you an F and academic probation and the 3rd is suspension.

In the case of a dispute, a student has the right to appeal to the Program Coordinator

Please read the following official policies of George Brown College.



At a post-secondary level you should expect to work very hard to attain high marks. The difficulty gives your diploma value. Only a few people in every class will succeed in attaining the 'A' level marks reserved for exceptional work as defined below. (If everyone got an 'A', then it wouldn't be the exception, now, would it? :o))

The target - meaning the average -- is a C-B, meaning satisfactory to good.
A few people will not succeed, despite their best efforts. As frustrating as that may be, bear in mind that the only real failure is failing to try your best.
Please read the policy below and think about where your target is.

A+ Not more than 5%

A 5% – 20%

A & B Combined Not more than 65%

F Not more than 15%

Target Average: Grade/Mark B- (70%)

Grading Scheme:

90-100% A+ = Exceptional
Exceeded expectations in demonstrating knowledge of concepts and/or techniques, and exceptional skill in their application in satisfying the requirements of the course.
80-89% A = Excellent
Demonstrated a thorough knowledge of concepts and/or techniques, and with a very high degree of skill in their application in satisfying the requirements of the course.
70-79% B = Very Good
Demonstrated a good knowledge of concepts and/or techniques, and considerable skill in their application in satisfying the requirements of the course.
65-69% C = Good
Demonstrated a satisfactory level of knowledge of concepts and/or techniques and competence in their application in satisfying the requirements of the course.
60-64% C- =  Satisfactory
Demonstrated a level of knowledge of concepts and/or techniques and their application to the requirements of the course that was minimally satisfactory
50-59% D = Poor
Demonstrated minimal knowledge and ability to apply concepts and/or techniques in satisfying the requirements of a course.
0-49% F = Fail
Failure to meet minimum course requirements.