Friday, March 23, 2012

Bobby Chiu coming to GBC! March 29th 7:00-9:00pm at room 515.

Character designer Bobby Chiu (Alice in Wonderland, MIB3) is coming to George Brown to give a one time only digital painting lesson that is not to be missed. 

Mark your calendars and spread the word for us.

March 29th 7:00-9:00pm at room 515.

Open to all students and friends of GBC Game Design

CASO presents: An Exploration of today's digital workflow Thursday, March 29, 2012 11:30am until 1:30pm

Animation Direction 2 (DESN1137) - this will be a field trip for your class. Meet at TIFF before 11:30.
CASO presents: A Visionary Lunch -- An Exploration of today's digital workflow -- MR. X case study with Dennis Berardi  
Thursday, March 29, 2012 11:30am until 1:30pm

Please note that pre-registration is now necessary as TIFF is not allowing money to be collected at the door. (:op)

Shirlyn Antonio, CASO
345 Adelaide Street West
Suite 600
Toronto, ON M5V 1R5

*SPECIAL GBC Students Price (+HST): $10.00 Lunch is included 

Members Price (+HST) $25.00 In Advanced $40.00 At the Door

Non-Members Price (+HST) $40.00 In Advanced $55.00 At The Door

Please sign up here:

Main areas of discussion:

TRON: LEGACY, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Resident Evil: Afterlife, Hanna, The Thing, The Three Musketeers

  • How to build a digital studio in the today's economic climate
  • How to deliver big volume and top quality on a deadline
  • How to compete on the global stage
  • How to get really good at digital animation and visual effects - the path to excellence finding and retaining top international talent

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

WEEK 11: Animation Direction 2 -- Welcome back Luke Mistruzzi

Luke hard at work making amazingly smooth animation 
Once again this week we have the expert assistance of Luke Mistruzzi.  He's planning to show you the ropes of stop-motion walk cycles.  If it's anything like his super-smooth animated wave from last week (despite having to use my badly-made broken puppet!)  I know it'll be fascinating.

It's time to get shooting! We have great resources now including 3 cuts of Dragonframe. I sent out an email about sign-up procedures with a link to our sign-up sheet. You should be able to use 515 whether I'm there or not. Ask Magda about signing up to work in the room.

We'll go over equipment booking in more detail in class and hopefully get to my timing exercise I've been dying to do for 3 weeks!  Always a busy class with you guys...

Milestone 5: Shooting and editing
Assigned: 22/03/12
Due: 05/04/12 In class, FTP
% of final grade: 20%

Finish shooting all your raw footage and piece it together. You should be all ready for compositing at the end of this milestone. This will be your first rough cut of your entire project, not the finished piece.
If you have some gaps (a scene that needs to be reshot, or a major change) you can include a storyboard panel in its place. One way to edit your work together is to cut it in, shot by shot, to your animatic.  That way you can always have a work-in-progress version of your whole film.

Please upload your work to the FTP with a clear file structure that includes the names of everyone
involved, the milestone, the iteration, and a movie file format compatible with QT. This includes: .mov, .mp4, .m4v, AVI. Not acceptable: .FLV, WMV. Test your file in QT to be sure it will open.


Exemplary: All shots completed with good lighting, focus, and composition.
Excellent: Almost all shots completed with mostly good lighting, focus, and composition.
Acceptable: Most shots completed with only minor technical problems.
Not Acceptable: Fewer than half the shots completed or many shot complete but having major technical problems.

Good luck!

WEEK 11: Character Acting 2: Quadrupeds, continued

Continuing this week with quadrupeds..
Part of this class will be a work period so I can help you guys work on your animation.

I also have a lot of video reference for you of horses and animating horses in video games and movies.

We'll compare some horse animation from some popular video games like Red Dead Redemption, Shadow of the Colossus, and Skyrim and see where the horse physics is really working .. or not.  
Epic! Lord of the Rings called for hundreds of horses. Some shots were too dangerous to use 100% real horses.
Special FX included digitally animated horses and integration using massive
blue screens.

They even used large-scale horse mo-cap.

WEEK 11: Modeling and Animation II -

Flour Sack escapes, continued..
Remember the personality-filled rug from Disney's Alladin? Or is that a carpet?
This will be partly an in-class work period so I can help you work out the staging and timing for your flour sack piece. I'll also be showing you some more tips and tricks for giving your flour sack weight & personality, both in the drawing and the timing. 

And I have more 'toons for you: an incredible film by Ryan Woodward called "Thought of You" as well as the 'making of' that shows his expert use of the very tools you're using to animate the humble Flour Sack
Ryan Woodward's amazing digitally hand-drawn "Thought of You"