Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 2: Animation Cycles a-plenty!

Creating animation that cycles -- ie, returns to its first frame -- requires a lot of patience.

This term we'll be exploring a ton of cycles you might find in any standard video game.  We're starting with a walk -- maybe the most challenging of all cycles.  There are so many kinds of walks depending on the type of character, his/her mood, the story point, the style of the game....

Big, serious character walks require a huge emphasis on weight
Tom Saville's Halo Reach Showreel

Look a little beyond all the stabbing.. you'll see some interesting walks including a complex sidestepping motion and a lot of poses that travel back to their starting pose. Watch the transitions and study the efforts to keep the characters looking heavy.

Digital Tutors Recommended Lesson: 12 Principles of Animation in 3ds Max

This is a great overview of the 12 Principles and how you can use the tools in 3ds Max to bring life to your animation.

Highly recommended!

Here's the description:

Week 2: Balls, continued...

We'll delve into the 12 Principles in more detail and spend some time on gravity.

Click here to learn more about Newton's Laws of Motion

We'll polish those bouncing balls and by the end of class you should be able to know without a doubt what different types of action will result from different types of curves in your Graph Editor (Track View - Curve Editor).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Software Switching Headache Relief from Digital Raster

Switching back and forth between software packages giving you a headache?  Well, help is here! The switching tools from Digital Raster work like a charm!

The tool I tested makes the 3dsMax UI mimic Maya. Seems to work very seamlessly. It's pricey ($70!) but there is a trial version and student pricing available. (I'll add that here if you find out what it is!)...

Click to go to digitalRaster's site.

Here's a brief blurb from their site -- Check it out!

DESN2022-A Environment Animation Course Outline

Click here for a PDF of your course outline

This outline is to be used as a general guide to the major topics and assignments for this course.

Please note that the outline is subject to change.

It's a good idea to become familiar with the rubric (marking standard) and the evaluation system.

Resources such as recommended videos or articles are listed for supplementary study.

Please let me know if you have any questions!



Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DESN1119-C Modeling & Animation 2 Course Outline

Click here for a PDF of your course outline
This outline is to be used as a general guide to the major topics and assignments for this course.

Please note that the outline is subject to change.

It's a good idea to become familiar with the rubric (marking standard) and the evaluation system.

Resources such as recommended videos or articles are listed for supplementary study.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

