Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WEEK 9: Asset Dev DESN1086-A: Assignment 3, continued - due next week!

Jumping... continued!

By now your thumbnail studies should be done and your rough animation should be ready to start.
The final artwork is due next week in class!

Your jump must fit into the style of your piece just as do these brilliant pixel art frames from local studio Spooky Squid Games' "They Bleed Pixels": 

The art style really fits the action of this game - here's a sample:

We'll get into the physics of jumping - the power comes from a weight shift in the center of gravity and the extension of the legs. Anyone who wants to challenge the idea that legs must straighten before they contract in a landing is welcome to demonstrate that for us all :D
The 12 Principles of animation are probably familiar by now but we'll quickly review one for the jump. As Disney giant Bill Tytla said,
"There are only three things in animation
and these imply the rest.
Learn to do these things well
and you can animate well."

There's a ton of great information on jumps in Richard Williams' The Animator's Survival Kit from 212-216 and on anticipation from 273-284. Buy this book! It takes several readings to get it to sink in.

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