Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WEEK 9: Game Project Development 4 DESN3012

Welcome back after your break!
Today I'd like to hear about your projects-in-progress, find out how you're setting and tracking your production deadlines and collaboration efforts, and help you sort out any animation-related issues you might be having. Let me know how I can help!

One question I'd like you to find an answer to - and this could take years - is 'What is your workflow?'.
The idea of WORKFLOW in animation is a very personal one.

Generally most animators will do at least most of the following:
  • read the script/watch the leica/look at the storyboard
  • draw some thumbnails for key actions
  • act out the scene on video
  • block the broad strokes of their shot using stepped keys or very pose-to-pose timing
  • approval or peer review
  • start breaking it down 
  • approval or peer review
  • add polish, layering, offsetting
  • final approval
  • revisions or retakes  
Some variations:
- key all controllers on each pose, adding all the detail needed to sell the posing
- key only the basic controllers on each pose and layer the complexity in subsequent passes
- work straight ahead keying only the main controls and adding finer detail in subsequent passes

.. and there are more where that came from.

With 3D, it's important to stay SIMPLE because of the complexity of fixing animation on several controllers moving on different frames. That said, you need to show the director what you're planning, and that means adding even expressions and finger controls from a very early stage.

See this example of VFX workflow from John Carter from Animator Patrick Giusiano

Here's another interesting feature workflow from a Shrek the 3rd animator named Justin:

What you don't want to do is randomly start working without any plan.  Think! Plan, then start animating. "Measure twice, cut once"

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